
Beneficial Ownership Interest Report & Strategy

If you own 25% equity in MULTIPLE US companies –
You need a BOIR Filing Strategy to Get Your Problems Resolved.

Inaction at The Financial Crimes Network Could Cost You Everything.
If you have MULTIPLE existing companies in the United States and own more than 25% interest in any and all of those companies, and you have not yet filed the BOI report as required by the end of this year, there’s a great likelihood that YOU’VE GOT BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN SIMPLY FILING THIS REPORT.

To find out whether we can help, send an email to [email protected]. Include: Names of the Companies, Names and Correct Spellings of the Beneficial Owners (25% or more interest), and Your Contact Information. We will run a preliminary conflict check to determine whether we are precluded from representing you.

The wise person will endure turmoil and strife, conflict and battles, but will not seek them out.

Seneca, Letter on Ethics, 28.7